They are those born between the early 1980s and early 2000s, around 27% of the world population is part of this which are also called Generation Y, a figure large enough to have a lot of influence both in the sociocultural and economic aspects. This generation was born or raised with technology, fearlessly experiencing the 2.0 and 3.0 world. Tolerant, socially committed and very creative.
Millennials, like other generations, care about salary, however, they place more emphasis on corporate culture than others. They look for bosses and environments of consideration and recognition of their work, far from ancient cultures of fear. They behave respectfully towards others and seek to be treated in the same way.
In general, they are very open-minded and very supportive of equal rights. 86% of millennials state that it is a priority to show their talent to an organization that is socially responsible. And this social and ethical responsibility helps the employees of this generation to be more committed to their company.
They want a transparent organization, with friendly policies for both employees and customers.
Millennials seek, in addition to the normal salary, an emotional salary. That they reward good performance, that there are training courses, that well-being is promoted in the company and that there is a real effort to retain talent and qualitative improvement.
This is a generation enthusiastic about learning new skills and willing to continually train. It is the most prepared generation in history, therefore, they are interested in organizations that offer them professional development programs and that lead technological innovation.
We also talk about it in our blog:
Who and what are millennials like?
Who and what are millennials like?

Millennials outside and inside work: everyone is talking about them. In 10 years generation Y (born between 1980 and 1992) will make up 75% of the workforce. But what do they have to say? There is no one better than a true member of this generation to discover their motivations so that we can help them in their professional development and be able to retain their talent in our organizations.

Millennials in numbers
Millennials in numbers

A study by Hrider reveals that Millennials like teamwork, excel in soft skills, and they get the highest scores in commitment and respect. They seek to work in environments where they are allowed to develop professionally and be listened to, above salary.