It is the type of dismissal in which the employer terminates the employment relationship by proving the reason for termination and in accordance with the law and legal requirements. That is, it is admissible of the dismissal is based on justified reasons and meets the technical requirements.
Types of fair dismissals:
· Disciplinary dismissal: it is the employee who motivates the dismissal due to serious misconduct or failure to comply with the terms of their employment contract. In this case, the employee has no right to compensation nor is prior notice required. Yes, they are entitled to severance pay.
· Objective dismissal: the company terminates the employment relationship for reasons related to the operation and solvency of the company, through no fault of the employee. As long as they are within those regulated in the Workers' Statute.
In this type of dismissal, the employee has a compensation of 20 days per year worked with a maximum of 12 monthly payments. In addition, 15 days' notice must be given to the employee.