
June 12, 2023

How to improve your performance through rest

You have been thinking about your next vacation for almost a year, and finally it is here! Ah but suddenly you feel guilty about your well-deserved rest, you think about all the work you will encounter later, about your colleagues, about your inbox... Forget all that! The stress caused by endless working days leads to poor decision making, negative behavior among colleagues, lack of commitment and absenteeism.
A study conducted by Sodexo, shows that for every 10 hours of vacation a person gets, their performance improves by 8%. It also improves, talent retention by increasing motivation and helping to restore enthusiasm and creativity, so employees return to work with more energy and new ideas.
But you don't have to wait for the vacation weeks to recharge your batteries, we'll show you how to rest in your daily life to keep your energy and motivation intact:
Take regular breaks: Scheduling regular breaks during the work day is an effective way to improve your performance and reduce stress. Try taking a break for a few minutes every hour to stretch, walk, or just relax. You can also schedule a longer 30-minute break in the middle of the day to recharge. As a leader, be sure to remind your team to take these small breaks. Concentration intervals combined with these breaks are super effective!
Set boundaries: It is important to set clear boundaries between work and personal time. Try not to bring work home with you, and avoid answering work-related emails or calls outside of work hours. Silence notifications as if they were your ex!
Organize your time: Plan your tasks efficiently to avoid feeling overwhelmed. Prioritize your most important tasks and set aside specific blocks of time for each activity. Schedule regular breaks to rest and recharge. Reviewing each one will help you feel less overwhelmed as the day progresses.
Take advantage of breaks: During breaks, be sure to completely disconnect from work. Do activities that relax you, such as taking a short walk, stretching, meditating, or simply sitting in a quiet place. This will help you reduce stress and maintain focus.
Practice stress management: Incorporate stress management techniques into your daily routine. You can try deep breathing, listening to 432hz music, or writing in your journal. Find what works best for you and set aside a few minutes each day to practice these techniques.
Set boundaries at work: Do you work in an office? If possible, create physical boundaries in your workspace to help you disconnect when you need to. If you work from home, have a designated area to work in. We already know that apartments are getting smaller, but if you try to have a table that you only use for working, and not for working, eating, dining and zooming with your friends, you will end up hating that table more than anything in the world!
Get enough sleep: Make sure you prioritize getting enough sleep. Establish a regular sleep routine and try to get at least 7-8 hours of sleep a night. A good night's rest will help you be more alert and productive during the day. The last season of Succession just finished, and staying up really late is really bad (and it's getting harder and harder to avoid spoilers).
Prolonged work without rest can generate high levels of stress. Regular breaks help prevent burnout and stimulate creativity and innovation. By stepping away from our tasks and taking time to unwind, our minds can rest and make unexpected connections, which can spark new ideas and solutions.

Apply these seven tips and tell us how it goes, and if you think of others, tell us!