
December 30, 2022

What was read most about Human Resources in 2022

You're still not over the soccer world cup and you're already ina loop of Mariah Carey, family meals, and Christmas carols. It's hard to see past the holidays and keep up. For this reason, once again this year, we summarize in a post which have been the most read articles on human resources this year.

1. Tips for giving effective feedback

We love that you are very interested in something so fundamental for all organizations and for everyone to work at ease: effective feedback.
You have searched, read and shared many times the advice so that feedback really makes a difference in your organization. Taking care of every feedback detail will make your team open to receive and give feedback frequently, and have a healthy and trusting culture.
You can read it in full here with examples and ideas, but here we summarize our tips:
· Feedback should be descriptive, not critical.
· Give feedback at the right time.
· Focus on strengths.
· Organizationally aligned.
Build a culture of trust.
Global vision.
· Agree to receive feedback.
· Feedback is a recurring process.

2. 10 tips to motivate your team

Motivation is crucial for a person, a team and an entire organization to move forward with its objectives.
It is very important to take care of it every day and not only when we are overloaded with work and we need our team to be on their toes. Here are some critical facts about motivation:
· 54% of employees say they feel unmotivated with their current job.
· 62% of employees who feel demotivated believe that the main measure to fuel their motivation would be a salary increase.
· 37% of demotivated employees want greater recognition.
· 27% of employees say that a professional promotion would improve their motivation.
Here you have our advice to take care of the motivation of your team.

3. 7 tips to connect with your team (or reconnect)

How can we not be your fans with the value you place onthe people in your company? In the top 3 is this post about how a leader can connect with the people on your team, or recover that connection that is so important for leadership to be truly effective.
We share the first 4 here:
· Recognition.
· Assign meaningful work.
· Use emojis (stickers, gifs or whatever).
· Weekly meetings.

4. Work Climate: what it is, how to evaluate it and how to improve it

For feedback to be effective, for objectives to be achieved, and for any report you have to have context, it is necessary to assess the organization's work environment.
In addition, when choosing a job or deciding whether to stay where we are or accept another offer, the positive work environment is what will have the most weight in the balance.
This article tells you everything, everything, everything about the work environment, and includes a free template!

5. What is an Action Plan and when and how should it be created

And what do we do with a motivated team that receives frequent feedback and with which we are connected? Create action plans to further develop your talent! An Action Plan is used to define goals and deadlines, to achieve the objectives of a project and to optimize performance at the individual and organizational level.
It is the icing on an evaluation. Thus, we can continue to follow up on our new challenges and maintain focus.