Boss and employee chatting friendly and exchanging feedback

September 9, 2018

How to convince the Boss to give Feedback

You understand the benefits of Performance Evaluation, you're eager to contribute your assessment to the organization, you've shared our posts with your colleagues, and you recognize the importance of feedback for improvement, motivation, and feeling heard. However, your boss might not be as convinced. What can you do to persuade them?

Anyone who wants to avoid career stagnation needs to know where they can improve and where their hidden talents lie. But it's challenging to gain this insight without the perspectives of those who work alongside us. Performance evaluation helps gather feedback, assess the effectiveness of our performance, and, if necessary, identify areas for improvement early on.

It's easy to list the benefits of Continuous Evaluation, and that's why more and more organizations worldwide choose to implement this process. However, just as there are people who resist using WhatsApp (¯_(?)_/¯), there are bosses who are reluctant to provide feedback to their team or receive it. So, today, we present the Irresistible Advantages of Performance Evaluation for Incredulous Bosses. All you have to do is share this link with your supervisor!

  • Your performance will improve. Regardless of the evaluation results, all employees will enhance their performance. For employees with highly positive results, the evaluation provides an opportunity for the manager to acknowledge their work and establish challenges for their personal development. For a collaborator who needs to put in more effort, their manager will have all the necessary information to adjust their tasks and collaborate with them to determine the best approach for achieving the established objectives.


  • Problems will be detected early. The information obtained makes it easier to identify and address potential issues promptly. It enables us to pinpoint performance gaps and goal achievement, discover more efficient methods for task execution, and gain a comprehensive team perspective for finding solutions.


  • You will be more motivated and involved. According to a Gallup study, 78% of employees feel more motivated thanks to performance evaluation processes. Additionally, 65% of those evaluated desire more feedback, and the number of employees committed to the organization increases by 30%. These statistics are truly impressive!


  • It will help you in your personal development. Performance appraisal helps determine who needs training and what type of training is required by providing insights into our strengths as well as areas for improvement. It is the perfect opportunity to define short, medium, and long-term objectives that we might not have considered before due to a lack of information.


  • Facilitates internal promotion. It is vital to identify our top performers and even uncover talents that may have gone unnoticed! With the results of the evaluations, we can easily create succession plans or make fair promotion decisions by knowing which employees can fill new positions, replace those who retire or depart, design appropriate rewards, and significantly reduce employee turnover.


  • Action Plans to improve. In addition to assessing the achievement of our collective and individual objectives, the performance evaluation process aids us in establishing new challenges. By identifying strengths and areas for improvement, supervisors and employees can collaborate to set new goals and create an action plan to accomplish them.


  • Now it is easy with a digital platform in the cloud. Digitizing the Performance Evaluation process translates to saving valuable hours and, consequently, reducing costs. Setting up your evaluations using specialized online software eliminates the need for one or more employees to create Excel spreadsheets, analyze them, and generate reports based on the results—all without requiring a computer expert!
    One of the perks of conducting these processes via a cloud platform is that you won't have to trouble the IT department, as the provider typically offers a support team readily available to assist you. That's certainly the case with Hrider!


  • Culture of Recognition. Recognizing our employees for their achievements makes them feel much more valued and strengthens their self-esteem, which translates into greater productivity. In addition, evaluations give us the opportunity to give effective feedback -positive and negative-, giving and receiving constructive feedback.
    The employee will see how her efforts are appreciated and will receive the necessary information to improve. At the same time, the Supervisor will be able to receive comments from his collaborators that can help them improve as a Manager, to know how to improve the reality of his team and to promote a better work environment.
At Hrider, we have countless fabulous experiences with our clients every day, and we are confident that with these arguments, you can convince your boss to stop doubting the advantages of implementing an agile Performance Evaluation system in your organization.
All you need on your end is a desire to improve as a professional, a wish to promote constructive communication within your organization, and a willingness to be part of the Digital Transformation. This transformation entails using technology to enable people to work in a more productive, agile, and satisfying manner.