Those of us who embrace the digital world in our work every day and have reached a point where we could not live without the internet, applications, networks... usually make the mistake of taking for granted many arguments about the reasons why an organization must go digital.
Only when the world out there is capable of questioning whether Digital Transformation is really necessary or if it is just a passing fad is it necessary to stop and detail one by one the advantages that the integration of new technologies brings to any company.
Although we think that this discourse is already more than widespread (and very hackneyed!), we understand that there are many professionals for whom it continues to be a disturbing topic. For this reason, we have preferred not to take anything for granted and list, from the beginning, the most important benefits that taking this step forward will have for a brand.
Efficiency in business processes:
Speed: automating a process can achieve time reductions of up to 85% compared to manual means (of course we include Excel! as a manual process!)
Savings: Instead of wasting materials and resources on making things by hand, use them for really important tasks and let technology save you unnecessary costs. You wouldn't go to the post office to send a letter when you can send an e-mail, would you?
Reduction of errors: especially in those processes that require calculation capacity or processing of a large amount of information. Or even in simple but repetitive processes in which losing concentration would be the most likely outcome.
Increased quality: Specialized tools bring powerful new functionality. The time is long gone since companies had a single system with which they tried to manage everything that happened in the company, since over time it has been shown that rigidity and little adaptability cause stagnation and lack of competitiveness.
The world changes (almost) at the speed of light and a company requires flexible solutions that solve its problems, not create them!
Why else do all large multinationals dream of working with the agility of start-ups?

Decision making:
Real-time information: the specific tools that the world of Software as a Service (specialized cloud platforms that provide functionalities super powerful at incredible prices) can offer us not only the automation of processes, but just-in-time reports and statistics so that we never fall behind and that other competitors overtake us on the right.
Large amount of data analyzed: can you imagine having the computing power that until recently only NASA or the CIA of spy movies? If in the year 1651 Hobbes assured that "Information is power", imagine its current potential in the Internet era.
But make no mistake, it is necessary to have help so that the information becomes true knowledge and, for this, we must have tools to structure it properly and separate the essential information from the accessory (and this is where the adoption of the technology and what we call Business Intelligence).
Be a benchmark: whatever you sell, you have to worry about always doing better. Which provider would you trust with your care and money? Surely the one that best suits you, that shows you the way, that surprises you with a better way of doing things... or the one that is stuck in an inefficient industry?
Client approach (Multichannel): the democratization of technology also allows a democratization of market access. Now the world is just one click away, do you think your competitors are not taking advantage of it?
It is in your power not to lose contact with your public, with your clients, with your suppliers or with anyone who may have a relationship with you. Show your closeness and kindness through social networks, sharing your knowledge (related to the previous point) through online publications and show the world how well you do things!
New business models:
The facilities of the new tools are allowing professionals to provide services that were previously only available to a few. Now you can give private Spanish classes to anyone around the world by the click of a button! There are no limits to those who put technology at the service of their imagination.
HR Management:
Our favorite part and the specialty in which we put our energies because, whether you go digital or not, the people on the team must be motivated and committed if we want the company to continue to exist. We could write several books and we would not finish giving you reasons why Human Resources departments should not only embrace technology to be more efficient, but their role should transcend much further. Well, there is no digital transformation without cultural transformation and, who has in their hand the ability to manage the motivations of people in companies and communicate the values we pursue?
Help your employees : you will achieve greater employee satisfaction if you help them by providing tools to streamline their tasks.
Engagement: If you want an employee to identify with the mission of the company, you must answer for that commitment. No one wants to work in a drab, outdated environment when the world out there is digital and glowing!
Participatory decision-making: Transformation is also about being open-minded, managing day-to-day in a transparent way, recognize good work and effort. Allow people to have agile systems to contribute their vision and ideas and you will notice the change!
Proactive talent detection: those who think they know everything about your employees just by seeing them sitting at their desks work, they are wrong. Only by putting means and systems to manage the capabilities of team members can we help them grow (so that they help the organization grow)
Greater individual and collective productivity: we have already talked about efficiency, cost savings, spending time on valuable tasks and not on bureaucracy... needless to say more.
Surely you also agree that it is essential for the survival of companies that are as digitized as their current (and future!) customers and employees