
October 23, 2016

Àlex HueteÀlex Huete
Recruitment Marketer Talentier

If you don't communicate, they don't understand you

I would like to talk to you about an element that, in my opinion, is often underestimated. That element in question is communication between people.

Why do I consider that it is not given the necessary attention? If you allow me, I will try to explain it with a couple of practical cases.

The first case occurs when starting a talent search process. And it is that, incredible as it may seem to you, it is quite common for companies to look for new employees without knowing what they want.

How are they going to hire the right person if they don't know what they need? It is not necessary to invent the wheel to realize that something is wrong here. Specifically, there is a communication deficit. Let me explain.

A department in the company needs talent. Human Resources is in charge of locating and attracting this talent. The first part knows the functions of the future employee better and what the requirements are to fulfill them; the second knows how and where to find talent.

It becomes clear that both parties are destined to cooperate and understand each other. Separately they have valuable, if insufficient, knowledge. Only when they are aligned do they form a perfect team.

Some people believe (wrongly) that finding talent is an HR problem only. However, the HR department "is not an all-seeing, all-knowing eye." There is information that you do not have, that someone should communicate to you.

The absence or deficit of communication is one of the most common reasons why a selection process ends in failure. In such cases, recruitment companies are usually very useful in facilitating understanding between both parties.

To better convey the key information in selection processes, at Talentier we have created a free guide with numerous tips. You can download it here.

We move on to the second example. This has to do with the communication between employee and management of the company. As in the selection of personnel, it is common for communication here to also be conspicuous by its absence.

Once again, this is problematic. Without feedback, it is impossible for the worker to know if his performance is being satisfactory , about what his most valued strengths are in the company and about what aspects he should improve.

Thus, their behavior does not improve or, even worse, they are discouraged by not feeling that their effort is valued. On the other hand, company management and internal leaders can also learn a lot by listening to employees. There are many cases in which employees identify serious internal problems and/or transmit brilliant ideas to management.

This is how it should be. Innovation and continuous improvement require everyone's knowledge and collaboration. Therefore, communication in the company is essential. The main obstacle is that it does not appear out of nowhere, but must be encouraged.

Luckily, there are currently tools that help us overcome barriers and bring communication between people closer. For example, in personnel selection Talentier promotes understanding between recruitment consultants and companies so that outsourcing is all a success. You can learn more about the tool here.

Likewise, Hrider with its software for skills assessment and 360º feedback helps to promote communication within the company. If you want to see everything it can do for you, check out this link.

To conclude, I would like to summarize the article with a brief quip: “it is not by chance that communication rhymes with solution”. So that said, it's time to communicate more and better! ;)